Team Composition
- Operations Team is defined as members of the competition hosting staff. Any and all requests for support or grievances will be directed to this team.
- Competition Team is the group of individuals competing in the event.
- Team Captain is a member of the Competition Team that has been designated as the Point of Contact (PoC) for that team. Members of the Operation Team will look to interact with Team Captain regarding all correspondence related to the competition.
- Team Co-Captain is a secondary member of the Competition Team that will interact with the Operations Team in the absence of the Team Captain.
- Team Representative is a member designated as the liaison between the originating institution of the Competition Team and the Operations Team. During competitions we only expect the Team Captain or Team Co-Captain to interact with the Operations Team regarding the competition.
Competitor Eligibility
- The Competition Team may only consist of legal residents of the representing continent.
- The Competition Team is expected to participate in their regional competitions only.
- The Competition Team participants may only belong to one team during the entire Global CyberLympics competition.
Team Composition
- Each team must submit a roster of up to 6 competitors to the competition director of the first CyberLympics event they participate in during a given CyberLympics competition season.
- The final roster must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the start of that event. All competitors on the roster must meet all stated eligibility requirements. No changes to the team roster will be permitted after the team competes in their first CyberLympics event.
- If the member of a competition team advancing to the Finals competition is unable to attend that competition, that team may not substitute a person in their place.
- Teams or team members arriving after an event’s official start time, for reasons beyond their control, may be allowed to join the competition, however, they will not be granted additional time, but only be able to compete during the scheduled time period. The Operations Team will review the reason for tardiness and make the final determination.
- Each team will designate a Team Captain for the duration of the competition to act as the team liaison between the Operations Team and the teams before and during the competition. In the event of the Team Captain’s absence a Team Co-Captain may be identified and designated.
Team Representatives
- The Team Representative must be faculty, staff member or otherwise affiliated with the institution the team is representing.
- Once a CyberLympics event has started, Team Representatives may not interact with, coach, assist, or advise their team until the conclusion of the event.
- Team Representatives may not enter their team’s competition space during any CyberLympics event.
- Team Representatives must not interfere with any other competing team; violation of this may include the disqualification of the represented team.
- The Team Representative, or any non-team member, must not discuss any aspect of the competition event, specifically event injections, configurations, operations, or team performance with their team during CyberLympics competition hours and must not attempt to influence their team’s performance in any way. Violation of this may include overall point loss or the disqualification of the represented team.
Competition Conduct
- Throughout the competition members of the Operations Team may need to interact directly with a system under the control of a specific team. If necessary, it is expected that the owning team will relinquish or provide full access to the system for the duration of the interaction. Failure to comply may result in loss of points or disqualification of the owning team.
- Teams must not connect any devices or peripherals to the competition network unless specifically authorized to do so by the Operations Team.
- Teams may not modify the hardware configurations of competition systems. Teams must not open the case of any server, printer, PC, monitor, KVM, router, switch, firewall, or any other piece of equipment used during the competition. All hardware related questions and issues should be referred to the Operations Team.
- Teams may not remove any item from the competition area unless specifically authorized to do so by Operations Team members including items brought into the team areas at the start of the competition.
- Team members are forbidden from entering or attempting to enter another team’s competition workspace or room during CyberLympics Finals events. This includes but is not limited to resources such as laptop computers. Violations of this may result in point loss or disqualification from the event.
- Teams must compete without “outside assistance” from non-team members including Team Representatives from the start of the competition to the end of the competition (including overnight hours for multi-day events). All private communications (calls, emails, chat, texting, directed emails, forum postings, conversations, requests for assistance, etc) with non-team members including team representatives that would help the team gain an unfair advantage are not allowed and are grounds for disqualification and/or a penalty assigned to the appropriate team.
- Printed reference materials (books, magazines, checklists) are permitted in competition areas and teams may bring printed reference materials to the competition.
- Team Representatives, sponsors, and observers are not competitors and are prohibited from directly assisting any competitor through direct advice, “suggestions”, or hands-on assistance. Any team sponsor or observers found assisting a team will be asked to leave the competition area for the duration of the competition and/or a penalty will be assigned to the appropriate team.
- Teams are free to examine their own “host or launch” systems but no offensive activity against other teams, Gam3z Inc. network or the Operations Team, will be tolerated. The only acceptable offensive actions will be against targets designated as “neutral” at the commencement of either the Penetration Testing or Capture-the-Flag (CTF) games. Offensive action is defined as port scans, unauthorized connection attempts, vulnerability scans, etc. Any team performing offensive activity against other teams, the Gam3z Inc. network, Operations Team or any global asset will be immediately disqualified from the competition. If there are any questions or concerns during the competition about whether or not specific actions can be considered offensive in nature contact the Operations Team before performing those actions.
- Teams are allowed to use active response mechanisms such as TCP resets when responding to suspicious/malicious activity. Any active mechanisms that interfere with the ability of targets to communicate with the scorebot will result in incomplete scores for the targets. This is exclusively the responsibility of the teams. This includes any firewall rule, IDS, IPS, or defensive action that breaks communication between the targets and the scorebot. If a target cannot communicate with the scorebot, then the team’s constructive actions on the target to fix vulnerabilities and maintain services will not be scored.
- All team members will wear badges identifying team affiliation at all times during competition hours.
- Only Operations Team members will be allowed in competition areas outside of competition hours.
Internet Usage
- Internet resources such as FAQs, how-to’s, existing forums and responses, and company websites, are completely valid for competition use provided there is no fee required to access those resources and access to those resources has not been granted based on a previous membership, purchase, or fee. Only resources that could reasonably be available to all teams are permitted. For example, accessing Cisco resources through a CCO account would not be permitted but searching a public Cisco support forum would be permitted. Public sites such as Security Focus or Packetstorm are acceptable. Only public resources that every team could access if they chose to are permitted.
- Teams may not use any external, private electronic staging area, such as cloud storage, or FTP site for patches, software, etc. during the competition. Teams are not allowed to access private Internet-accessible libraries, FTP sites, web sites, network storage, or shared drives during the competition. All Internet resources used during the competition must be freely available to all other teams. The use of external collaboration and storage environments such as Google Docs is prohibited unless the environment was provided by and is administered by competition officials. Accessing private staging areas is grounds for disqualification and/or a penalty assigned to the appropriate team.
- No peer-to-peer or distributed file sharing clients or servers are permitted on competition networks unless specifically authorized by the competition officials
- Internet activity, where allowed, will be monitored and any team member caught viewing inappropriate or unauthorized content will be subject to disqualification and/or a penalty assigned to the appropriate team. This includes direct contact with outside sources through chat/email or any other public or non-public services including sites such as Facebook. For the purposes of this competition inappropriate content includes pornography or explicit materials, pirated media files, sites containing key generators and pirated software, etc. If there are any questions or concerns during the competition about whether or not specific materials are unauthorized contact the Operations Team immediately.
- All network activity that takes place on the competition network may be logged and subject to release. The Operations Team is not responsible for the security of any information, including login credentials, which competitors place on the competition network.
Permitted Materials
- No memory sticks, flash drives, removable drives, CDROMs, electronic media, or other similar electronic devices are allowed in the room during the competition unless specifically authorized by the Operations Team in advance. Any violation of these rules will result in disqualification of the team member and/or a penalty assigned to the appropriate team.
- Teams may not bring any type of tablet, PDA, cell phone, smart phone, or wireless device into the competition area unless specifically authorized by the Operations Team in advance. Any violation of these rules will result in disqualification of the team member and/or a penalty assigned to the appropriate team.
- Teams will be expected to supply their own computer or laptop for the competition. The Operations Team will not however be responsible for providing any additional or specialized equipment to connect your device to the competition network.
- Printed reference materials (books, magazines, checklists) are permitted in competition areas and teams may bring printed reference materials to the competition as specified by the competition officials.
Professional Conduct
- All participants, including competitors, coaches, Operations Team, and any affiliates, are expected to behave professionally at all times during all CyberLympics events including preparation meetings, receptions, mixers, banquets, competitions, etc…
- In addition to published CyberLympics rules, Host Site policies and rules apply throughout the competition and must be respected by all CyberLympics participants.
- All CyberLympics events are alcohol free events. No drinking is permitted at any time during competition hours.
- Activities such as swearing, consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs, disrespectful or unruly behavior, sexual harassment, improper physical contact, becoming argumentative, willful violence, or willful physical damage have no place at the competition and will not be tolerated.
- Violations of the rules can be deemed unprofessional conduct if determined to be intentional or malicious by competition officials.
- Competitors behaving in an unprofessional manner may receive a warning from the Operations Team for their first offense. For egregious actions or for subsequent violations following a warning, competitors may have a penalty assessed against their team, be disqualified, and/or expelled from the competition site. Competitors expelled for unprofessional conduct will be banned from future CyberLympics competitions for a period of no less than 12 months from the date of their expulsion.
- Individual(s), other than competitors, behaving in an unprofessional manner may be warned against such behavior by the Operations Team or asked to leave the competition entirely.
Questions Disputes & Disclosures
- Team captains are encouraged to work with the Operations Team to resolve any questions regarding the rules of the competition or scoring methods.
- Protests by any team must be presented in writing by the Team Captain to the Operations Team as soon as possible. The competition officials will be the final arbitrators for any protests or questions arising before, during, or after the competition. Rulings by the competition officials are final. All competition results are official and final as of the Closing Ceremony.
- If you choose to take a dispute or grievance to anyone outside of the Operations Team for resolution without first having brought it to the attention for resolution with the Operations Team, expect limited support or possible disqualification from the event.
- In the event of an individual disqualification, that team member must leave the competition area immediately upon notification of disqualification and must not re-enter the competition area at any time. Disqualified individuals are also ineligible for individual or team awards.
- In the event of a team disqualification, the entire team must leave the competition area immediately upon notice of disqualification and is ineligible for any individual or team award.
- All competition materials including injects, scoring sheets, and team-generated reports and documents must remain in the competition area. Only materials brought into the competition area by the student teams may be removed after the competition concludes.
- Scores will be based on Game Descriptions provided in the information provided to players.
- Scores will be maintained by the Operations Team. Team rankings will be publicly displayed throughout the competition. Approximately one hour prior to the event concluding all public-scoring displays will be terminated; final results will be announced at the Awards Ceremony.
- Any team action that breaks communication between a target and the scorebot is exclusively the responsibility of that team and will result in a lower score. Should any question arise about scoring, the scoring engine, or how they function, the Team Captain should immediately contact the competition officials to address the issue.