Team Name | Country | Final Score |
dotelite | Netherlands | 1960 |
KLHT | Russia | 1935 |
khack40 | France | 1935 |
Hack.ERS | Netherlands | 1775 |
SectorC | Netherlands | 1735 |
Team NX | Finland | 1650 |
Jobless Hackers | Netherlands | 1580 |
H3x Pr0ph3ts | Brazil | 1555 |
Knightsec | United States | 1550 |
xSTF | Portugal | 1535 |
The Internet Explorerers | United States | 1510 |
Team BENIN | Benin | 1495 |
bla | Czechnia | 1495 |
DutchN00bs | Netherlands | 1485 |
Proteus | Brazil | 1400 |
Kansas City Shuffle | Russian Federation | 1350 |
The_REAL_Carlos | Czechnia | 1345 |
Savage Seagulls | Belgium | 1320 |
Bobby Tables | Unites States | 1310 |
no_shell_no_food | Argentina | 1310 |
Single Frame Security | Hungary | 1305 |
xHack.MDY= | Australia | 1275 |
RTFM - Red Team Freakin' Maniacs | Brazil | 1275 |
xHack.MDg= | Australia | 1265 |
xHack.MDc= | Australia | 1265 |
Trash Panda | Canada | 1265 |
PentestACLs | Australia | 1240 |
patient zero | United States | 1225 |
Padawans 1 | United States | 1220 |
calamity | China | 1175 |
Missiles | Cyprus | 1175 |
Chapelaria | Brazil | 1170 |
HTTP 418 | Netherlands | 1100 |
xHack.MDI= | Netherlands | 1100 |
pwnERS | Mexico | 1095 |
Decryptonators | India | 1050 |
intERSept | India | 1050 |
Titans | India | 1045 |
Datenautobahncowboys | Germany | 1025 |
f2tc | Dominican Republic | 1020 |
PLA Unit 61398 | Australia | 1000 |
TeamBackdoor | Belgium | 1000 |
Ping-Pwn3d | Mexico | 1000 |
Tr0janH0r$e | United States | 1000 |
Padawans 2 | United States | 1000 |
#Thacket; | Morocco | 975 |
Ghosts | United Arab Emirates | 975 |
Disaster | Belgium | 975 |
NoNmap | Thailand | 965 |
I can't believe it's NotPetya | United Kingdom | 965 |
Mammoth Coatis | United States | 940 |
D3sp!c@bles | South Africa | 920 |
CyberMafia | India | 910 |
The Leftovers | United States | 900 |
Team Alpaca | United Kingdom | 885 |
devnull_miners | Hungary | 875 |
Bangalore Vigilantes | India | 865 |
Honey Badgers | Kenya | 850 |
Wild Boys | Egypt | 825 |
LUHack | united Kingdom | 825 |
guatitasec | Equador | 790 |
OTP | Thailand | 775 |
Aggressive Cake | Greece | 775 |
xHack.MDQ= | Norway | 765 |
Hax0rs | United Arab Emirates | 740 |
xHack.MDE= | Netherlands | 735 |
Dark Orchids | India | 725 |
TRASHPANDAS | United States | 715 |
0x000000 | India | 710 |
The Wizards of OZ | Australia | 700 |
NUCL3@R | United States | 700 |
Vigilance | India | 685 |
Padawans 4 | United States | 670 |
Exploit Failed | Guatemala | 665 |
Hack.ERSS | India | 655 |
Delsec | Australia | 650 |
xHack.MDM= | Poland | 640 |
Cyberknights | United States | 635 |
xHack.MDU= | Australia | 610 |
C2CCyber | United States | 610 |
PMRNZ | Turkey | 585 |
0x4B1DCODE | Egypt | 565 |
M0nk3ys | United States | 560 |
Delta6 | Maylasia | 540 |
CRCError | Australia | 540 |
5@Sec | Protugal | 540 |
Sit On My Interface | United Kingdom | 525 |
DTSG | Singapore | 505 |
Rocky Binus | Indonesia | 490 |
:Duurtlang | Netherlands | 485 |
CSOC | Indonesia | 465 |
LOGICALGURU | India | 440 |
xHack.MTM= | India | 440 |
Baby[RA]ge | Turkey | 440 |
Wu-Tang LAN | Canada | 440 |
Glenda_Brothers | Brazil | 440 |
Zero Byte | Brazil | 440 |
CyberPupDomination | United States | 425 |
0v3n_Sh3ll | Morocco | 415 |
Fine Geeks | Cairo | 340 |
Lordofwar | Cyprus | 325 |
FCCCyber | United States | 325 |
D3siprox | Morocco | 315 |
TeamSahas | Australia | 275 |
P1 | India | 250 |
TeamCISI | Nigeria | 240 |
TitanSec | United States | 240 |
The_Bit_brokers | Mexico | 215 |
team302 | Ireland | 200 |
ISACA West Michigan Chapter | United States | 190 |
Homer's Forbidden Donut | Canada | 175 |
Padawans 3 | United States | 165 |
Genesis | India | 150 |
xHack.MTI= | Israel | 125 |
Herman's Hermits | United States | 125 |
CAT2GREP | United States | 110 |
Zer0Day | Morocco | 75 |
DayZero | United States | 75 |
DEFKECH | Morocco | 50 |
MrMugiwara | Morocco | 25 |
cracksec | Morocco | 25 |
Err0r4o2 | Morocco | 0 |
!ammators | Morocco | 0 |
Paranoids | India | 0 |
nSEC/Resilience | Netherlands | 0 |
KoreaTahiti | United States | 0 |
GTC-Cyber | United States | 0 |
Magic Squirrel | Canada | 0 |
HL | Colombia | 0 |
Final Scores by Region
North America
Team Name | Country | Final Score |
Knightsec | United States | 1550 |
The Internet Explorerers | United States | 1510 |
Bobby Tables | United States | 1310 |
Trash Panda | Canada | 1265 |
patient zero | United States | 1225 |
Padawans 1 | United States | 1220 |
pwnERS | Mexico | 1095 |
f2tc | Dominican Republic | 1020 |
Ping-Pwn3d | Mexico | 1000 |
Tr0janH0r$e | United States | 1000 |
Padawans 2 | United States | 1000 |
Mammoth Coatis | United States | 940 |
The Leftovers | United States | 900 |
TRASHPANDAS | United States | 715 |
NUCL3@R | United States | 700 |
Padawans 4 | United States | 670 |
Exploit Failed | Guatemala | 665 |
Cyberknights | United States | 635 |
C2CCyber | United States | 610 |
M0nk3ys | United States | 560 |
Wu-Tang LAN | Canada | 440 |
CyberPupDomination | United States | 425 |
FCCCyber | United States | 325 |
TitanSec | United States | 240 |
The_Bit_brokers | Mexico | 215 |
ISACA West Michigan Chapter | United States | 190 |
Homer's Forbidden Donut | Canada | 175 |
Padawans 3 | United States | 165 |
Herman's Hermits | United States | 125 |
CAT2GREP | United States | 110 |
DayZero | United States | 75 |
KoreaTahiti | United States | 0 |
GTC-Cyber | United States | 0 |
Magic Squirrel | Canada | 0 |
South America
Team Name | Country | Final Score |
H3x Pr0ph3ts | Brazil | 1555 |
Proteus | Brazil | 1400 |
no_shell_no_food | Argentina | 1310 |
RTFM - Red Team Freakin' Maniacs | Brazil | 1275 |
Chapelaria | Brazil | 1170 |
guatitasec | Equador | 790 |
Glenda_Brothers | Brazil | 440 |
Zero Byte | Brazil | 440 |
HL | Colombia | 0 |
Team Name | Country | Final Score |
KLHT | Russia | 1935 |
Kansas City Shuffle | Russian Federation | 1350 |
calamity | China | 1175 |
Decryptonators | India | 1050 |
intERSept | India | 1050 |
Titans | India | 1045 |
NoNmap | Thailand | 965 |
CyberMafia | India | 910 |
Bangalore Vigilantes | India | 865 |
OTP | Thailand | 775 |
Hax0rs | India | 740 |
Dark Orchids | India | 725 |
0x000000 | India | 710 |
Vigilance | India | 685 |
Hack.ERSS | India | 655 |
Delta6 | Maylasia | 540 |
DTSG | Singapore | 505 |
Rocky Binus | Indonesia | 490 |
CSOC | Indonesia | 465 |
LOGICALGURU | India | 440 |
xHack.MTM= | India | 440 |
P1 | India | 250 |
Genesis | India | 150 |
xHack.MTI= | Israel | 125 |
Paranoids | India | 0 |
Team Name | Country | Final Score |
xHack.MDY= | Australia | 1275 |
xHack.MDg= | Australia | 1265 |
xHack.MDc= | Australia | 1265 |
PentestACLs | Australia | 1240 |
PLA Unit 61398 | Australia | 1000 |
The Wizards of OZ | Australia | 700 |
Delsec | Australia | 650 |
xHack.MDU= | Australia | 610 |
CRCError | Australia | 540 |
TeamSahas | Australia | 275 |
Team Name | Country | Final Score |
dotelite | Netherlands | 1960 |
khack40 | France | 1935 |
Hack.ERS | Netherlands | 1775 |
SectorC | Netherlands | 1735 |
Team NX | Finland | 1650 |
Jobless Hackers | Netherlands | 1580 |
xSTF | Portugal | 1535 |
bla | Czechia | 1495 |
DutchN00bs | Netherlands | 1485 |
The_REAL_Carlos | Czechia | 1345 |
Savage Seagulls | Belgium | 1320 |
Single Frame Security | Hungary | 1305 |
Missiles | Cyprus | 1175 |
HTTP 418 | Netherlands | 1110 |
xHack.MDI= | Netherlands | 1110 |
Datenautobahncowboys | Germany | 1025 |
TeamBackdoor | Belgium | 1000 |
Disaster | Belgium | 975 |
I can't believe it's NotPetya | United Kingdom | 965 |
Team Alpaca | United Kingdom | 885 |
devnull_miners | Hungary | 875 |
LUHack | United Kingdom | 825 |
Aggressive Cake | Greece | 775 |
xHack.MDQ= | Norway | 765 |
xHack.MDE= | Netherlands | 735 |
xHack.MDM= | Poland | 640 |
PMRNZ | Turkey | 585 |
0x4B1DCODE | Egypt | 565 |
5@Sec | Protugal | 540 |
Sit On My Interface | United Kingdom | 525 |
:Duurtlang | Netherlands | 485 |
Baby[RA]ge | Turkey | 440 |
Fine Geeks | Cairo | 340 |
Lordofwar | Cyprus | 325 |
team302 | Ireland | 200 |
nSEC/Resilience | Netherlands | 0 |
Team Name | Country | Final Score |
Team BENIN | Benin | 1495 |
#Thacket; | Morocco | 975 |
Ghosts | United Arab Emirates | 975 |
D3sp!c@bles | South Africa | 920 |
Honey Badgers | Kenya | 850 |
Wild Boys | Egypt | 825 |
0v3n_Sh3ll | Egypt | 415 |
D3siprox | Morocco | 315 |
TeamCISI | Morocco | 240 |
Zer0Day | Nigeria | 75 |
DEFKECH | Morocco | 50 |
MrMugiwara | Morocco | 25 |
cracksec | Morocco | 25 |
Err0r4o2 | Morocco | 0 |
!ammators | Morocco | 0 |